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Biokar Sterile Egg Yolk Tellurite Enrichment 1 vial 900 mL BS03608

Biokar -- BendaTECPIM000109938
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The Biokar Sterile Egg Yolk Tellurite Enrichment is a ready-to-use enrichment broth designed for the isolation and cultivation of corynebacteria, including Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Corynebacterium ulcerans, from clinical specimens. It contains a specialized blend of nutrients, including egg yolk and tellurite, which support the growth of corynebacteria while inhibiting the growth of contaminants.


• Time-saving convenience: The sterile and ready-to-use nature of the broth eliminates the need for time-consuming preparation, saving valuable laboratory time.

• Optimal growth conditions: The carefully selected combination of nutrients promotes the growth of corynebacteria while suppressing the growth of unwanted organisms, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

• Reliable diagnosis: The use of Biokar Sterile Egg Yolk Tellurite Enrichment is associated with the diagnosis of diphtheria, a potentially serious bacterial infection, aiding in timely and appropriate patient management.

Detail Produk

Jenis Produk Consumables
Nomor Komponen BS03608
Merek Biokar
Dimensi Kotor (WxDxH cm)
Dimensi Bersih, (WxDxH cm)
Berat Kotor (kg)
Berat Bersih (kg)

Type Supplement
PackingSize 1 vial qsf 900 mL


Biokar Diagnostics merupakan bagian dari Divisi Mikrobiologi, Solabia Group. Berdedikasi pada  pengembangan, produksi, dan penjualan media kultur, suplemen, serta kit deteksi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan laboratorium mikrobiologi. 


Dengan portofolio mencakup lebih dari 300 produk dan beroperasi di lebih dari 40 negara, Biokar Diagnostics telah membangun reputasi global karena kualitas produknya dan solusi inovatif yang ditawarkan.